2.0 TDI Throttle Body Valve - BMN BMR BKP - VW Audi Seat Skoda - 03G128063L. This Ridex throttle body valve assembly is found in a range of Volkswagen Audi group models from 2003 to 2015 and is a direct replacement for the original throttle body with part number 03G128063L. It will also replace the following part numbers. Please match the part number for a guaranteed fit.
Same day dispatch on orders before 2pm (Mon-Fri). Supplied by JGP Automotive, Preston, Lancashire UK. Please see the fitment guide below. Compatibilities are a guide only and part numbers should be matched where applicable. 2.0 TDI [120BHP 88KW].2.0 TDI [122BHP 90KW]. 2.0 TDI [136BHP 100KW]. 2.0 TDI [140BHP 103KW]. 2.0 TDI [163BHP 120KW].
2.0 TDI [170BHP 125KW]. Found in the following models with the above engine codes.